Saturday, March 20, 2010

Artist Trading Cards

I tried my hand at a "Artist Trading Card" last night. I was given a pack a little while ago, and decided to see what they were all about. These two sites will give you a pretty good idea:

I have always had miniaturist tendencies, so I find working on a 2.5" x 3.5" canvas quite enjoyable. I was going to do a simple watercolour, but then I got all nervy and reverted to a more familiar and rigid style. Unfortunately, I also got carried away with my experimental ATC and spent all night working on it. :P
Above, you can see the card after my initial ink drawing on Saunders Waterford 300GSM CP paper, and then the finished product tinted with artist's watercolours. The linework was done mostly freehand with a 0.2mm Rapidograph and sepia drawing ink, with a ruler for the borders. I trained as a Cartographer before AutoCAD took over, and used to be very good with a technical pen, but as you can see from the first image, I am well out of practice! My smooth hand is gone and every shake is recorded on the paper.

My goal now is to make a complete set of cards with a different illuminated letter of the alphabet. :)


  1. Wow! Great work!

  2. Thanks! It was fun, and an ATC is something I can generally finish in one sitting - always a plus!
